Helpful Tips for Recruitment Events

Before attending a career fair or recruitment event, whether online or in person, consider these tips to help you prepare in to make a great first impression.

Before the Event

  • Research the employers that interest you by visiting their web sites.
  • Create a prioritized list of employers you would like to meet with at the career fair.
  • Prepare your own 45 second “infomercial” to introduce yourself. Include your name, degree(s), your anticipated graduation date, type(s) of position(s) you are seeking, what field you would like to be employed i.e., marketing, finance, health care, and why you chose their company (this is where the research comes in).
    • Set up a meeting with Career Services to work on your "infomercial."

  • Review your strengths, skills, goals and interests and consider how they relate to the positions available and how an employer will benefit from them.
  • Develop a professional resume and bring several copies (at least 15-20).
  • Dress appropriately in professional business attire.

During the Event

  • Obtain a floor plan and map out where your target companies are located.
  • Avoid interrupting the recruiters or your fellow job seekers.
  • It is your responsibility to approach employers and initiate a conversation.
  • Be assertive. Make eye contact immediately when introducing yourself.
  • Be confident and shake hands firmly. SMILE! And be polite! Use good manners!
  • Provide employers with a copy of your resume and ask questions.
    Sample questions you may want to ask representatives:
    • What type of entry level positions exist within your company?
    • What qualities are you looking for in prospective employees?
    • What do you feel are the future trends in this industry?
    • Why did you choose this company? How long have you been with them?

  • Collect company information for further research.
  • Obtain a business card from everyone you speak with so that you can follow up.

After the Event

  • Follow up is crucial. You may want to follow up within a week to determine if the employer has received your application/resume, inquire about the status of the position and to express your continued interest.
  • Write thank you notes to representatives from companies that are of particular interest to you. This will bring additional attention to your name and affirm your interest in working in their organization.
    • Send an additional resume with your thank you letter.

  • Keep records of your contacts with employers including dates of your letters, emails or telephone calls and make copies of all the information you send.