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Course Descriptions

The following is a complete listing of courses offered at MCC. You can also visit our Programs of Study page for a list of course requirements necessary to complete your degree.

Please note: Special Studies is a general heading for experimental courses or those for which the demand is untested, unknown, immediate, or temporary. You can visit our Special Studies page for a list of Special Studies courses.

Click on the arrow to view a list of course descriptions for each program.

Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">AAD - Applied Art and Design</div>]
AAD - Applied Art and Design
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ACC - Accounting</div>]
ACC - Accounting
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ACD - Alcohol/Chemical Dependency</div>]
ACD - Alcohol/Chemical Dependency
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">AGS - Agricultural Studies</div>]
AGS - Agricultural Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ANT - Anthropology</div>]
ANT - Anthropology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ARA - Arabic/Foreign Language</div>]
ARA - Arabic/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ART - Art</div>]
ART - Art
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ASL - American Sign Language/Foreign Language</div>]
ASL - American Sign Language/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ATP - Automotive Technology</div>]
ATP - Automotive Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">BIO - Biology</div>]
BIO - Biology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">BUS - Business</div>]
BUS - Business
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CDL - Interdisciplinary</div>]
CDL - Interdisciplinary
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CE  - Disney College Program Internship</div>]
CE - Disney College Program Internship
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CEL - Leadership</div>]
CEL - Leadership
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CHE - Chemistry</div>]
CHE - Chemistry
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CHI - Chinese/Foreign Language</div>]
CHI - Chinese/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CIN - Cinema Studies</div>]
CIN - Cinema Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CIT - Civil and Construction Technology</div>]
CIT - Civil and Construction Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CLT - Clinical Laboratory Technician</div>]
CLT - Clinical Laboratory Technician
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">COM - Communication</div>]
COM - Communication
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">COS - College Success</div>]
COS - College Success
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CPT - Computer Technology</div>]
CPT - Computer Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CRC - Computer Related Curricula</div>]
CRC - Computer Related Curricula
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CRJ - Criminal Justice</div>]
CRJ - Criminal Justice
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CSC - Computer Science</div>]
CSC - Computer Science
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">DAS - Dental Assisting</div>]
DAS - Dental Assisting
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">DEN - Dental Hygiene</div>]
DEN - Dental Hygiene
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">EBL - Experience Based Learning</div>]
EBL - Experience Based Learning
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ECE - Education and Early Care</div>]
ECE - Education and Early Care
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ECO - Economics</div>]
ECO - Economics
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">EDU - Education</div>]
EDU - Education
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ELT - Electrical Engineering Technology/Electronics</div>]
ELT - Electrical Engineering Technology/Electronics
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">EMS - Emergency Medical Services</div>]
EMS - Emergency Medical Services
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ENG - English Literature</div>]
ENG - English Literature
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ENG - English Writing</div>]
ENG - English Writing
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ENR - Engineering Science</div>]
ENR - Engineering Science
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ESL - English For Speakers Of Other Languages (ESOL)</div>]
ESL - English For Speakers Of Other Languages (ESOL)
Hide details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">FPT - Fire Protection Technology</div>]
FPT - Fire Protection Technology
FPT 100 - Principles of Fire and Emergency Services
This course provides the student with foundational knowledge in the fire protection and emergency services discipline to include fire service nomenclature, career opportunities, culture and history of emergency services; fire loss analysis; organization and function of public and private fire protection services; fire departments as part of local government; laws and regulations affecting the fire service; introduction to fire protection systems; introduction to fire strategy and tactics; and firefighting life safety initiatives. 3 Credits.
FPT 101 - Fire Behavior and Combustion
This course explores the theories and fundamentals of how and why fires start, spread, and are controlled. Topics include the basic principles of fire chemistry; the properties of solids, liquids, and gasses; the process of fire combustion; and fire behavior. 3 Credits.
FPT 102 - Fire Prevention and Inspection
The fundamental requirements of fire prevention. This course emphasizes the laws applied to fire prevention, including federal fire safety requirements for industry and commerce, solving technical problems encountered, recognition of hazards, prevention of fires and inspection techniques. Special attention is applied to life safety from fire in the home, school, public assembly, and all other places where people are assembled and endangered by fire. 3 Credits.
FPT 103 - Building Materials and Construction
Fundamentals of building construction methods and materials of construction. The approach is to study the stability of buildings and materials under fire conditions. The emphasis is upon safety under fire conditions and the technology of limiting fire spread in new and existing buildings. 3 Credits.
FPT 105 - History of the Fire Service
This course examines the historical evolution of the American fire service. The fire service has its roots in ancient Roman and European societies and has been shaped in the United States by historical fire events, improvement in equipment and technology, and notable leaders and innovators. An understanding of how it developed provides insight into its current structure, operation, and culture. 3 Credits.
FPT 107 - Introduction to the New York State Building Code
A course to acquaint the student with the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Construction Code and supporting reference standards. Students will be presented an overview of the code and will be able to confidently research design and modification issues pertaining to new construction, new use, remodeling, renovations, alterations, and repairs to buildings using the current New York State Building Construction Code. 3 Credits.
FPT 111 - Firefighter I
This course gives the firefighter the basic skills and education to work safely and effectively as a member of a fire fighting team. Topics include fire behavior, safety practices, use of self-contained breathing apparatus, personal protective equipment, use of fire-fighting appliances, hazardous materials first response at the operations level, and working as part of a fire-fighting team. 8 Credits.

Prerequisite: CPR certification is required.
FPT 113 - Firefighter II
This course provides structural firefighters with the knowledge and skills required to respond to emergencies under general supervision of a company officer. Both hands-on use of fire training simulators and classroom presentations/activities are integrated in the course. Topics include incident command implementation, building materials and collapse, special rescue and vehicle extrication, hydrant flow and operability, hose tools, foam operations, flammable liquid/gases, detection, alarm systems, fire department communications, pre-fire planning, special situations, and fire suppression strategy and tactics. 3 Credits.

Prerequisite: FPT 111
FPT 130 - Basic ARFF Class
This Basic Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) class is specifically designed to provide new airport firefighters with the basic skills and knowledge required to handle aircraft crashes and conduct fire suppression operations as they relate to rescue and fire extinguishment. Both hands-on use of the aircraft fire training simulators and classroom presentations will be provided to the students. The classroom presentation will provide familiarization of chemistry of fire, fire extinguishing agents, the Incident Management System (IMS), airport familiarization, aircraft types and familiarization, hazardous materials and cargo handling, and pre-incident planning/post incident operations. The skills application session will consist of conducting advanced rescue techniques, fire suppression operations in an aviation environment, application of firefighting foams on flammable liquids, and specialized apparatus and equipment operations. 2.5 Credits.
FPT 135 - Aircraft Fuel Spill Fire Fighting
This course provides firefighters with the knowledge and skills to extinguish aircraft fuel spill fires, utilizing both classroom and live-fire extinguishment simulation. This course exceeds FAR 139 annual requirements for live fire training. Must have firefighter certification. .5 Credits.
FPT 136 - Specialized Aircraft Fire Fighting
This course provides firefighters with the knowledge and skills to extinguish specialized aircraft fires, including fires in the cockpit, cabin, lavatory, engine, and brakes. This course utilizes both classroom and live-fire extinguishment simulation. This course exceeds FAR 139 annual requirements for live fire training. Must have firefighter certification. .5 Credits.
FPT 137 - Specialized Aircraft and Fuel Spill Firefighting
Utilizing a mixture of classroom instruction and live fire training scenarios, this course provides ARFF firefighters with the knowledge and skills required for annual FAA Part 139 training. Both Spill and specialized aircraft system fires are extinguished utilizing vehicle turrets and hand lines. .5 Credits.
FPT 141 - Firefighter Core Competencies Update and Refresher I
This course is part of a three-course sequence which provides a systematic plan of study to assist firefighters to maintain their proficiency in core competencies and knowledge. Completion of the three-course sequence meets requirements for annual firefighter in-service training mandated by 19NYCR Part 426.7. 3 Credits.

Prerequisite: FPT 113 or equivalent
FPT 142 - Firefighter Core Competencies Update and Refresher II
This course is part of a three-course sequence which provides a systematic plan of study to assist firefighters to maintain their proficiency in core competencies and knowledge. Completion of the three-course sequence meets requirements for annual firefighter in-service training mandated by 19NYCR Part 426.7. 3 Credits.

Prerequisite: FPT 113 or equivalent
FPT 143 - Firefighter Core Competencies Update and Refresher III
This course is the third of a three-course sequence which provides a systematic plan of study to assist firefighters to maintain their proficiency in core competencies and knowledge. Completion of the three-course sequence meets requirements for annual firefighter in-service training mandated by 19NYCR Part 426.7. 2 Credits.

Prerequisite: FPT 113 or equivalent
FPT 204 - Fire Service Strategy and Tactics
This course provides the principles of fire ground control through utilization of personnel, equipment, and extinguishing agents. Fire suppression and control of small, large, and special incidents is covered. 3 Credits.

Prerequisite: FPT 101.
FPT 211 - Fire Investigation: Cause and Origin
A broad study of fire investigation is presented. The means to identify the origin and cause of a fire, properly conduct a fire scene investigation, and understand arson laws are emphasized. Topics include fire behavior, determining point of origin, ignition sources, fire scene investigation, and legal aspects of the discipline. 3 Credits.

Prerequisite: FPT 101 and FPT 103.
FPT 212 - Fire Service Hydraulics
This course is a theoretical study to understand the principles of the use of water in fire protection and to apply hydraulic principles to analyze and solve water supply problems. The student can expect to apply the application of math and physics to the movement of water in fire suppression activities; analyze the community fire flow demand criteria; and demonstrate understanding of hydraulics, water characteristics, fluid pressure, hydrostatics, hydrokinetics, nozzle reaction, nozzle pressure, water distribution systems, sprinkler and standpipe systems, determination of required fire flow, fire service pump design, friction loss calculations, pump discharge pressures, parallel lines, Wyed lines, aerial stream calculations, fire streams, and the four hydraulic laws of friction loss. 3 Credits.

Prerequisite(s): MTH 150 or higher, FPT 101, FPT 102, FPT 103, FPT 105.
FPT 215 - Hazardous Materials Technician
This course prepares emergency response personnel to effectively and safely respond to hazardous materials incidents. Focuses include chemistry and toxicology of hazardous materials; the dangerous properties of chemicals; the use of detection instruments, confinement and containment procedures, including hands-on application; incident management and safety procedures; decontamination; and the selection and use of chemical protective clothing with hands-on practice. This course meets the training requirements of OSHA 1910.120 for the Hazardous Materials Technician. 3 Credits.
FPT 216 - Fire Service Instructor I
This course will prepare students to meet the requirements of a Fire Service Instructor, in accordance with NFPA 1041, "The Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications" 2012 Edition. Topics covered include: characteristics of an effective fire instructor, oral communications, adapting lesson plans, writing performance objectives, use of audio and other training aids, common classroom settings and arrangements, various testing instruments to evaluate teaching and learning efficiency, and meeting record keeping requirements. Students who successfully meet all the requirements of this course will be eligible to test national certification in Fire Service Instructor I. 3 Credits.

Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, FPT 101, FPT 102, FPT 103, FPT 105 or permission of instructor.
FPT 220 - Fire Officer I
This course introduces the knowledge and skills necessary to function at the Fire Officer 1 level as defined in NFPA 1021. Areas covered include company operations at emergency incidents, basic supervision and leadership, transition to the role of supervisor, and other aspects of fire department operations and interpersonal skills. 3.5 Credits.

Prerequisite: FPT 111 or equivalent
FPT 230 - Advanced Aircraft Rescue Firefighting
This class is designed to enhance the skills of the basic ARFF Firefighter. This training will place the firefighter above the minimum requirements and provide multi-faceted skills required to meet aviation fire protection demands. An extensive use of the aircraft fire training simulators and classroom presentations will be provided. The student will be introduced to rescue systems and equipment, tools and apparatus, airport facilities, chemistry of fire, foam systems, Incident Management System (IMS), and strategies and tactical considerations in fire suppression operations. The hands-on sessions will consist of conducting advanced rescue techniques and extrication of trapped victims, firefighting foams and mass applications, motor vehicle fires, structural fires suppression operations, water rescue, and advanced aircraft fire suppression. 2.5 Credits.

Prerequisite: FPT 130 or equivalent combination of training and experience.
FPT 260 - Contemporary Issues in the Fire Service
This course examines current issues, opportunities, and problems facing the fire service. Topics such as contemporary fire service management issues, fire protection technology advancements, homeland security and terrorism preparedness, special operations, special situation strategy and tactics, current areas of research, and societal influences are addressed. 3 Credits.

Prerequisite(s): FPT 101, FPT 102, and FPT 105; all with a grade of C or higher.
FPT 290 - Independent Study
See the Department Chairperson. Variable Credit.
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">FRE - French/Foreign Language</div>]
FRE - French/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">FSA - Food Service Administration</div>]
FSA - Food Service Administration
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">GEG - Geography</div>]
GEG - Geography
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">GEO - Geology</div>]
GEO - Geology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">GER - German/Foreign Language</div>]
GER - German/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">GLF - Golf Management</div>]
GLF - Golf Management
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HBR - Hebrew/Foreign Language</div>]
HBR - Hebrew/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HED - Health Education</div>]
HED - Health Education
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HEG - Health Education Global</div>]
HEG - Health Education Global
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HIM - Health Information Technology</div>]
HIM - Health Information Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HIS - History</div>]
HIS - History
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HMN - Humanities</div>]
HMN - Humanities
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HON - Honors Studies</div>]
HON - Honors Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HSM - Homeland Security Administration</div>]
HSM - Homeland Security Administration
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HSP - Hospitality</div>]
HSP - Hospitality
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HUM - Human Services</div>]
HUM - Human Services
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HVA - Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning</div>]
HVA - Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">IDE - Interior Design</div>]
IDE - Interior Design
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ITA - Italian/Foreign Language</div>]
ITA - Italian/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">JPN - Japanese/Foreign Language</div>]
JPN - Japanese/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">LAS - Liberal Arts</div>]
LAS - Liberal Arts
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">LAW - Law</div>]
LAW - Law
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">LDS - Leadership</div>]
LDS - Leadership
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">MAR - Marketing</div>]
MAR - Marketing
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">MET - Mechanical Technology</div>]
MET - Mechanical Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">MIS - Management Information Systems</div>]
MIS - Management Information Systems
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">MMP - Automotive Technology</div>]
MMP - Automotive Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">MTH - Mathematics</div>]
MTH - Mathematics
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">MUS - Music</div>]
MUS - Music
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">NUR - Nursing</div>]
NUR - Nursing
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">OFT - Office Technology</div>]
OFT - Office Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">OPT - Optical Systems Technology</div>]
OPT - Optical Systems Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PE  - Physical Education--Coed</div>]
PE - Physical Education--Coed
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PEC - Physical Education--Coed</div>]
PEC - Physical Education--Coed
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PEJ - Physical Education-Criminal Justice</div>]
PEJ - Physical Education-Criminal Justice
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PEM - Physical Education--Men</div>]
PEM - Physical Education--Men
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PEW - Physical Education-Women</div>]
PEW - Physical Education-Women
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PHL - Philosophy</div>]
PHL - Philosophy
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PHO - Photography</div>]
PHO - Photography
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PHY - Physics</div>]
PHY - Physics
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PLE - Police: Law Enforcement</div>]
PLE - Police: Law Enforcement
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PLS - Paralegal Studies</div>]
PLS - Paralegal Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">POS - Political Science</div>]
POS - Political Science
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PPE - Physical Studies/Physical Education</div>]
PPE - Physical Studies/Physical Education
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PSC - Public Safety Communications</div>]
PSC - Public Safety Communications
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PST - Public Safety Training</div>]
PST - Public Safety Training
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PSY - Psychology</div>]
PSY - Psychology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">Public Speaking</div>]
Public Speaking
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">REA - Reading</div>]
REA - Reading
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SCI - Science</div>]
SCI - Science
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SCR - Computer Security</div>]
SCR - Computer Security
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SGT - Surgical Technology</div>]
SGT - Surgical Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SKT - Tooling and Machining</div>]
SKT - Tooling and Machining
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SMT - Sports Management</div>]
SMT - Sports Management
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SOC - Sociology</div>]
SOC - Sociology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SPA - Spanish/Foreign Language</div>]
SPA - Spanish/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SPC - Speech Communication</div>]
SPC - Speech Communication
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">STT - Solar Thermal Technology</div>]
STT - Solar Thermal Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SUS - Sustainability Studies</div>]
SUS - Sustainability Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SVL - Service Learning</div>]
SVL - Service Learning
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">TAM - Tooling and Machining</div>]
TAM - Tooling and Machining
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">TEK - Technology</div>]
TEK - Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">THE - Theatre</div>]
THE - Theatre
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">TOY - Toyota</div>]
TOY - Toyota
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">TRS - Transitional Studies</div>]
TRS - Transitional Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">TVL - Travel And Tourism</div>]
TVL - Travel And Tourism
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">XRT - Radiologic Technology</div>]
XRT - Radiologic Technology