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College Directory

Faculty & Staff


NameDepartmentPhone #
Taddonio, RichardVisual and Performing Arts
Tarnowski, JeanetteEducation and Human Services585-685-6008
Tatakis, TimothyBiology585-292-2332
Tate, Sammie L.Campus Events585-292-2175
Tatta, JamesPublic Safety585-292-2912
Tatum, Nicole G.Liberty Partnerships
Taylor, TerryPublic Safety Training Facility
Tebo, Jason D.Athletics585-292-2864
Teeter, JRCSTEP - Collegiate Sci. and Tech. Entry Program585-292-3187
Tennant, Jason E.Visual and Performing Arts
Tepper, Laura M.English and Philosophy
Terry, Sharjanai C.Sodexo
Testman, Ebony N.MCC Association, Inc.585-292-2535
Tette, Therese M.Visual and Performing Arts
Tewksbury, Tomomi YWorld Languages & Cultures
Thayer, Larry B.Engineering Technologies
Thomas-Godard, Sandra L.Health Professions
Thomas, Denise V.Academic and Student Affairs585-292-2213
Thomas, Marshann Y.CSTEP - Collegiate Sci. and Tech. Entry Program585-292-3180
Thomas, Rhonda D.Custodial Operations585-292-2594
Thomas, SeemaCSTEP - Collegiate Sci. and Tech. Entry Program585-292-3189
Thomas, Victoria L.Health Professions
Thompson, GaryLaw and Criminal Justice585-685-6196
Thompson, Kimberly AHealth Professions
Tickyj, ChrisHealth and Wellness585-292-2140
Tien, Lydia T.Chemistry and Geosciences585-292-2397
Tierney, Kara J.Chemistry and Geosciences585-292-2416
Tigers Rogers, SaraLearning Support Systems
Timmons, Mary E.Library585-685-6164
Toder, BruceChemistry and Geosciences
Toepfer, MaryjoHealth Professions585-292-2766
Tolle, Glenn A.Library
Tomb, Cory D.Custodial Operations585-292-2594
Tomkinson, Judith H.World Languages & Cultures
Tondryk, KoleVisual and Performing Arts
Toothe, Hilary A.Visual and Performing Arts
Toriseva, GabriellaCSTEP - Collegiate Sci. and Tech. Entry Program585-292-2584
Torkelsen, Kristen L.Education and Human Services
Toscano, Ralph M.Business Administration
Toyer, Donald J.Mathematics
Tracey, Edward A.Public Safety Training Facility
Treahy, John P.Education and Human Services585-685-6008
Trudeau, Terry J.Engineering Technologies
Truman, David W.Communications and Network Services585-292-3208
Tsai, Joanna H.Biology
Tshibangu, Sherry P.Business Administration
Tucci, MichaelLearning Support Systems
Tucker, ErinNursing585-292-2455
Tudhope, Kelly F.English and Philosophy
Turner, Kristhy D.Learning Resources
Turner, MarissaHealth Professions
Tyree, Daniel J.Anthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology585-292-3327