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College Directory

Faculty & Staff


NameDepartmentPhone #
Laco-Schiano, Lori M.Health Professions
LaForce, Andrew R.Public Safety Training Facility
LaForest, Brian D.Testing Services
Lagares, LoidaCareer Technical Education585-292-2969
Laidlaw, Elizabeth A.English and Philosophy
Lake, BrianEngineering Technologies
Landers, Jennifer M.Public Safety
Landon, Mark A.Learning Support Systems
Lane, David J.Information and Computer Technology
Lane, MichaelLearning Resources585-292-3422
Lange-Geyer, Erika N.World Languages & Cultures
Langswager, ChristopherApplied Technologies585-292-3734
Langswager, JeffreyApplied Technologies
Lanker, Jason A.Health and Physical Education
Lannak, EvelynHospitality585-292-2583
Lanzafame, Eileen M.Mathematics585-685-6140
Lanzafame, JessicaPsychology
Lanzafame, Joseph M.Chemistry and Geosciences
Lanzafame, SalvatoreBusiness Administration
Laplante, Donna J.Printing Services585-292-3225
LaPoint, Anna E.Athletics
Larkin, Jason T.Purchasing and Central Receiving585-292-3205
LaRoche, Fawn B.Learning Resources
Lasch, Robert D.Engineering Technologies585-292-2678
LaSpina, Marisa A.Academic and Student Affairs585-292-2221
Lasser, Brett S.Business Administration
Latta, Andrew D.Communications and Network Services585-292-3292
Laury, Dean J.Career Technical Education585-360-5578 TEXT
Lautenslager, StaceyInformation and Computer Technology585-292-3328
Lavin, Sylvia B.Strategic Resource Dev. & Grant Management585-685-6163
Lawhorn, Brian J.Custodial Operations585-292-2594
Lawrence, AndrewHospitality
Lawson, Matthew S.Admissions585-292-2433
Layman, Mary E.Learning Support Systems
Learch, Nathaniel D.Engineering Technologies
Lebioda, MargaretCustodial Operations585-292-2594
Lechner, GlennaChemistry and Geosciences585-292-2425
Lederhouse, David D.Communications and Network Services585-292-3296
Leenhouts, JustinMCC Association, Inc.585-292-2491
Lee, Christina H.Global Education & International Services585-292-3173
Lee, Christina H.Anthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology585-292-2173
Legrette, Tricia R.Health Professions
Leigh, KellieNursing
Leite, Katie M.Global Education & International Services585-292-3132
Lendeck, GregoryVisual and Performing Arts
Lenhard, Sonja L.Faculty Association585-292-2019
Leonardo, MorganneStudent Life & Leadership Develop.
Leone, Juanita M.Applied Technologies585-292-3725
Leopard, Robert L.Biology585-292-2741
Leuzzi, Tony J.English and Philosophy585-292-3392
Lewis, Brian G.Anthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology
Lew, AlyceAcademic Foundations585-292-2349
Liana, David H.Computing & Information Technology Services585-292-2618
Lieb, Heather J.Mathematics
Lincoln, Kyle P.Learning Support Systems
Lingard, Debra L.Health Professions585-292-2038
Link, Bruce A.Information and Computer Technology585-292-3233
Link, John D.Communications and Network Services585-292-3239
Linzy, Charlene M.Educational Opportunity Program585-292-2363
Lin, Zhen YiAdmissions
Litterio, BarbaraHealth and Physical Education
Little, Jonathon D.Chemistry and Geosciences585-292-2396
Liu Conway, Shuk ManTRIO Student Support Services
Li, Daniel K.Academic and Student Affairs
Lloyd, Janice H.Public Safety Training Facility
Lockwood, Johnathan D.Chemistry and Geosciences585-292-2429
Logan, CarlyLearning Support Systems
Long, Suzanne S.Biology585-292-2725
Lopes, CoeliLearning Support Systems
Loshigian, Dawn M.Psychology
Lotosky, JosephChemistry and Geosciences
Lovett, Hellene M.Education and Human Services585-685-6135
Lovett, Serenity F.Admissions
Lowe, Crieghton E.Visual and Performing Arts
Lull, Margaret G.Business Administration
Lupiani, ChristineNursing585-292-2467
Ly-Mapes, OrianaHealth Professions
Lynch, Marcia A.Workforce Development & Corporate College
Lynch, NatalieNursing585-292-2454