Name | Department | Phone # |
Waasdorp, Janet M. | Education and Human Services | |
Wachsler, Joshua P. | Educational Opportunity Program | |
Waghorn, Kevin L. | Psychology | |
Wagner, Karen L. | Mathematics | |
Wagner, Michael A. | Mathematics | 585-292-2936 |
Walker, Elizabeth | Mathematics | |
Walker, James M. | Public Safety Training Facility | |
Walker, Matthew C. | Anthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology | |
Walsh, Peter M. | Hospitality | |
Wanek, Allison C. | Research | 585-292-3035 |
Wang, Danqing | Chemistry and Geosciences | |
Ward, Neil E. | Anthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology | |
Washco, Michael | Psychology | |
Washington, Tia S. | Career Services | 585-292-3161 |
Weader, Charles F. | Public Safety | |
Weaver, Stephanie W. | Student Success & Advising Services | 585-685-6181 |
Weber, Keith | Business Administration | |
Webster, Jenny K. | Health Professions | |
Weeks, Jasmine | World Languages & Cultures | |
Weiland, Matthew J. | Facilities | 585-685-6198 |
Weimar, Courtney | Community Relations | 585-292-3250 |
Weingart, Michael A. | World Languages & Cultures | 585-286-3574 |
Weinschreider, James R. | Engineering Technologies | 585-292-2682 |
Weinstein, Sara B. | Health and Physical Education | |
Weisenreder, Michael R. | Hospitality | |
Weldgen, Franz R. | Visual and Performing Arts | 585-292-3107 |
Wells, Domi | Controller's Office - Payroll | 585-292-2152 |
Wells, Sueann M. | English and Philosophy | |
Welsh, Jennifer | Child Care Center | 585-292-2640 |
Wendtland, Christopher D. | Biology | 585-292-2739 |
Westveer, Kenneth J. | Engineering Technologies | |
Wheat, Lynda | Workforce Development & Corporate College | 585-685-6116 |
Wheeler, Eric P. | Veteran Services | 585-292-2296 |
Wheeler, Holly A. | English and Philosophy | 585-292-3277 |
White, Ann M. | Education and Human Services | |
White, Stacy | Registration and Records | 585-292-2204 |
Wichtowski, Michael S. | Facilities | 585-292-2811 |
Wiener, Kathryn V. | Student Accounts | 585-292-2232 |
Wilcox, Graham | English and Philosophy | |
Wildey, William T. | Public Safety Training Facility | |
Wilkes, David | Financial Aid | |
Wilke, Burkhardt | Chemistry and Geosciences | |
Wilkie, Jessica L. | English and Philosophy | |
Willard, Jeffrey J. | Information and Computer Technology | |
Willard, Wanda A. | Psychology | 585-292-3311 |
Williams, David J. | Law and Criminal Justice | 585-685-6009 |
Williams, Heather L. | English and Philosophy | 585-292-3271 |
Williams, Mark D. | Engineering Technologies | |
Williams, Matthew R. | Mathematics | 585-292-2974 |
Williams, Rickia A. | Custodial Operations | 585-292-2594 |
Williams, Shawn | Facilities | 585-292-2806 |
Willis, Kevin J. | Sodexo | |
Wilson, Alice E. | Library | 585-292-2304 |
Wilson, Diane R. | Career Services | 585-292-2271 |
Wilson, Judith L. | Nursing | 585-292-2456 |
Wilson, Kevin | Student Success & Advising Services | 585-292-2408 |
Wilson, Mary E. | Psychology | 585-292-3273 |
Wilson, Tricia L. | Health Professions | 585-292-2761 |
Winkie, Janet L. | Visual and Performing Arts | |
Winslow Jr., Tom | Campus Events | 585-292-2177 |
Winters, Karen R. | Health and Physical Education | |
Wischmann, Christian | Mathematics | 585-292-2036 |
Wiseley, Tod | Custodial Operations | 585-685-6180 |
Wise, Stephen | Public Safety | 585-292-2910 |
Wittels, Rachel | Visual and Performing Arts | |
Witt, Amy | Mathematics | |
Witt, Brian K. | Learning Support Systems | |
Wojtowicz, Jake | English and Philosophy | |
Wolff, Andrea M. | Hospitality | 585-292-2542 |
Wolff, Edward C. | Facilities | 585-292-2806 |
Wolf, Sandra A. | Facilities | 585-292-2817 |
Woods, Christine M. | STEM & Health | 585-292-3398 |
Woodward, Stephanie L. | Education and Human Services | |
Wood, Gretchen D. | MCC Foundation | 585-685-6334 |
Woollett, Jaclyn G. | Health and Physical Education | |
Word, Kira | Psychology | |
Wright, Aleja | Workforce Development & Corporate College | 585-685-6139 |
Wright, Bobby W. | Mathematics | |
Wuertzer, Charles A. | Biology | 585-292-2428 |
Wyatt, Nyasia | Testing Services | |