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College Directory

Faculty & Staff


NameDepartmentPhone #
Waasdorp, Janet M.Education and Human Services
Wachsler, Joshua P.Educational Opportunity Program
Waghorn, Kevin L.Psychology
Wagner, Karen L.Mathematics
Wagner, Michael A.Mathematics585-292-2936
Walker, ElizabethMathematics
Walker, James M.Public Safety Training Facility
Walker, Matthew C.Anthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology
Walsh, Peter M.Hospitality
Wanek, Allison C.Research585-292-3035
Wang, DanqingChemistry and Geosciences
Ward, Neil E.Anthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology
Washco, MichaelPsychology
Washington, Tia S.Career Services585-292-3161
Weader, Charles F.Public Safety
Weaver, Stephanie W.Student Success & Advising Services585-685-6181
Weber, KeithBusiness Administration
Webster, Jenny K.Health Professions
Weeks, JasmineWorld Languages & Cultures
Weiland, Matthew J.Facilities585-685-6198
Weimar, CourtneyCommunity Relations585-292-3250
Weingart, Michael A.World Languages & Cultures585-286-3574
Weinschreider, James R.Engineering Technologies585-292-2682
Weinstein, Sara B.Health and Physical Education
Weisenreder, Michael R.Hospitality
Weldgen, Franz R.Visual and Performing Arts585-292-3107
Wells, DomiController's Office - Payroll585-292-2152
Wells, Sueann M.English and Philosophy
Welsh, JenniferChild Care Center585-292-2640
Wendtland, Christopher D.Biology585-292-2739
Westveer, Kenneth J.Engineering Technologies
Wheat, LyndaWorkforce Development & Corporate College585-685-6116
Wheeler, Eric P.Veteran Services585-292-2296
Wheeler, Holly A.English and Philosophy585-292-3277
White, Ann M.Education and Human Services
White, StacyRegistration and Records585-292-2204
Wichtowski, Michael S.Facilities585-292-2811
Wiener, Kathryn V.Student Accounts585-292-2232
Wilcox, GrahamEnglish and Philosophy
Wildey, William T.Public Safety Training Facility
Wilkes, DavidFinancial Aid
Wilke, BurkhardtChemistry and Geosciences
Wilkie, Jessica L.English and Philosophy
Willard, Jeffrey J.Information and Computer Technology
Willard, Wanda A.Psychology585-292-3311
Williams, David J.Law and Criminal Justice585-685-6009
Williams, Heather L.English and Philosophy585-292-3271
Williams, Mark D.Engineering Technologies
Williams, Matthew R.Mathematics585-292-2974
Williams, Rickia A.Custodial Operations585-292-2594
Williams, ShawnFacilities585-292-2806
Willis, Kevin J.Sodexo
Wilson, Alice E.Library585-292-2304
Wilson, Diane R.Career Services585-292-2271
Wilson, Judith L.Nursing585-292-2456
Wilson, KevinStudent Success & Advising Services585-292-2408
Wilson, Mary E.Psychology585-292-3273
Wilson, Tricia L.Health Professions585-292-2761
Winkie, Janet L.Visual and Performing Arts
Winslow Jr., TomCampus Events585-292-2177
Winters, Karen R.Health and Physical Education
Wischmann, ChristianMathematics585-292-2036
Wiseley, TodCustodial Operations585-685-6180
Wise, StephenPublic Safety585-292-2910
Wittels, RachelVisual and Performing Arts
Witt, AmyMathematics
Witt, Brian K.Learning Support Systems
Wojtowicz, JakeEnglish and Philosophy
Wolff, Andrea M.Hospitality585-292-2542
Wolff, Edward C.Facilities585-292-2806
Wolf, Sandra A.Facilities585-292-2817
Woods, Christine M.STEM & Health585-292-3398
Woodward, Stephanie L.Education and Human Services
Wood, Gretchen D.MCC Foundation585-685-6334
Woollett, Jaclyn G.Health and Physical Education
Word, KiraPsychology
Wright, AlejaWorkforce Development & Corporate College585-685-6139
Wright, Bobby W.Mathematics
Wuertzer, Charles A.Biology585-292-2428
Wyatt, NyasiaTesting Services