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College Directory

Faculty & Staff


NameDepartmentPhone #
Maali, HayaEngineering Technologies
MacDonald, Martha K.Learning Support Systems585-292-3396
MacGregor, Lynetta D.English and Philosophy585-292-3382
Mack, Rebecca H.Student Success & Advising Services585-292-2369
Macula, AnthonyMathematics
Maddalena, Lori A.Public Safety585-292-2902
Madonia, Morganne R.Student Life & Leadership Develop.585-292-2531
Mahar, Jason T.Mathematics585-292-2960
Mahoney, JefferyMathematics
Maiorani, EmidioLearning Support Systems
Major, Sauntevia M.Campus Events585-292-2174
Major, Willis G.Workforce Development & Corporate College585-685-6238
Malanchyn, OlenaMathematics
Maldonado, LemuelLearning Support Systems
Maldonado, MaribelWorkforce Development & Corporate College585-685-6186
Maloney, Robert J.Applied Technologies585-292-3700
Malyk, Kaycie R.Chemistry and Geosciences
Mancini, Diane M.Education and Human Services585-685-6212
Mancuso, David J.Applied Technologies
Mandly, Elizabeth M.Education and Human Services
Maneti, Jan A.Engineering Technologies
Mang, Melissa A.Learning Support Systems
Manhertz, LaToya E.DC Student Engagement585-685-6285
Manley, Hillary M.Chemistry and Geosciences585-292-2399
Manon, LaToya D.Education and Human Services585-685-6173
Marchese, Joe T.Controller's Office - Accounting Services585-292-2161
Marchese, Joseph T.Business Administration
Mareus, RooseveltBusiness Administration
Mariano, Dennis P.Visual and Performing Arts
Marigh, HajWorld Languages & Cultures
Marinelli Tachco, Rachael M.AmeriCorps585-685-6142
Marino, Vincent J.Health Professions
Markham, Jennifer A.Biology585-292-2727
Marriott, MarciaBusiness Administration585-292-3241
Marrot, Francia S.World Languages & Cultures
Martella, Michael H.Law and Criminal Justice585-685-6141
Martello, Kimberley A.Mathematics585-292-2951
Martineau, BrigitteMathematics585-292-2967
Martinez, Meka Y.Upward Bound585-685-6224
Martin, Amanda A.Public Safety Training Facility
Martin, BrennaUpward Bound585-685-6226
Martin, Denee J.Admissions
Martin, SaraLearning Support Systems
Martin, ScottEngineering Technologies
Marx, Gerald E.Business Administration
Mason, Kyle J.Communications and Network Services585-292-3206
Massachi, YamitPsychology
Massa, LesleyStudent Accounts585-292-2233
Massey, ChianaSodexo585-292-2578
Massey, Tina M.Public Safety585-292-2912
Masters, DeborahEducation and Human Services585-685-6008
Mastin, RichardPublic Safety Training Facility
Mastri, Jenna L.Controller's Office - Payroll585-292-2164
Mathes, Challis J.Biology
Mathewson, Jason C.Learning Support Systems
Matthews, ToriBiology
Matthew, Ivan A.Health and Wellness585-292-2140
Mattice - Nieters, ShannonLiberty Partnerships
Maxfield, Jessica A.Student Success & Advising Services585-292-3027
Mayfield, CourtneyLibrary
Mayo, Michelle P.Career Services585-292-2370
Mazuchowski, Jessica M.Learning Support Systems
Mazur, NicholasLearning Support Systems
Mbama, FaustinMathematics
Mbuyee, FrederickWorkforce Development & Corporate College
McBride, AnneBusiness Administration585-292-3353
McCauley, JosephBusiness Administration
McCollough, Anthony L.Economic & Workforce Development & Career Technical Education585-685-6356
McCormack, Sandra M.Business Administration585-292-3257
McCorry, Kevin J.Public Safety
McCrumb, JeanDC Student Engagement585-685-6216
McCusker, James E.English and Philosophy585-292-3140
McDermott, David T.Computing & Information Technology Services585-292-2637
McDonnell, Timothy J.Chemistry and Geosciences
McDonough, Jean A.English and Philosophy
McHugh, Thomas P.Hospitality
McKechney, Heather A.Chemistry and Geosciences
McKenna, James F.Health and Physical Education585-292-2845
Mckinney, Tracy M.Student Life & Leadership Develop.585-292-2536
McKinney, Yulanda M.English and Philosophy585-292-3388
McLean, Mark E.Chemistry and Geosciences
McLuckie, David W.English and Philosophy
McMahon, LoraleeBiology
McNally, MarieAcademic Foundations585-292-3197
McPhall, Nicole R.Health Professions
McPherson, RyanCareer Services585-292-2295
McQuade, Allison K.Chemistry and Geosciences
McWilliams, Steven J.Library585-292-2358
Mead, Andrew K.Communications and Network Services585-292-3236
Mead, Karen J.Learning Support Systems
Medina-Perez, MargaritaCurriculum and Program Development585-292-2199
Meidenbauer, KarlAthletics
Mejia, Randy J.Admissions585-292-2208
Melia, Susan D.Public Safety
Mellen, Bruce C.Mathematics
Melvin, Erik J.Facilities585-292-2811
Mendel, Eric J.Facilities585-292-2811
Mendez, Manuel V.Custodial Operations585-685-6180
Mendez, SylviaFinancial Aid585-292-2277
Mentry, Josephine M.Athletics
Merkel, Robert L.Public Safety Training Facility
Merliss, GenaEducation and Human Services585-685-6008
Merlo, GiannaFinancial Aid585-292-2275
Merrick, VictoriaNursing585-292-2459
Merz, GeorgeWorkforce Development & Corporate College585-685-6112
Merz, Kathleen A.DC Student Engagement585-685-6110
Messenger, Ryan E.Student Development585-292-2193
Mestre, Pricilla E.Controller's Office - Accounting Services585-292-2148
Mevs, Judith M.Chemistry and Geosciences
Meyer, Ann M.Education and Human Services585-685-6008
Meyer, Katherine E.Student Success & Advising Services
Meyer, Nicole P.DC Student Engagement
Micali, RosarioWorkforce Development & Corporate College585-685-6238
Michels, Jennifer L.Engineering Technologies
Miesch, Emily C.Student Rights and Responsibilities585-292-2130
Mikesell, Peter J.Chemistry and Geosciences
Mildren, AlexisSTEP - Science and Tech Entry Program
Miles, DalvinCustodial Operations585-685-6180
Miller, Charlene A.TRIO Student Support Services
Miller, Darius J.Public Safety
Miller, Douglas R.Instructional Services585-292-2134
Miller, EbonyBusiness Administration
Miller, EllenStudent Success & Advising Services585-292-3028
Miller, JordanAnthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology
Miller, LoraineBusiness Administration
Miller, Mary C.Purchasing and Central Receiving585-292-2824
Miller, Patrick S.Business Administration585-292-3371
Miller, Roger A.Facilities585-292-2806
Milliman, Jessica L.Health Professions585-292-2381
Mills, JulieSchools@MCC585-292-2995
Minott, Jaiden J.Engineering Technologies
Mitchell, Steve J.Sodexo
Mizelle, Mazie B.Biology585-292-2734
Mohamed, Abdelmoneim T.Financial Aid
Mohamed, RaniaFinancial Aid585-292-2589
Mohring, David E.Engineering Technologies
Mohr, Mary A.Engineering Science and Physics585-292-2487
Molinero, Juan A.Custodial Operations585-292-2594
Moore, Dillan P.Admissions585-292-2209
Moran-Palma, PedroWorld Languages & Cultures
Moreira, MarceloAthletics
Morelli, Jessica L.Health and Wellness585-292-2140
Morey, ColinCustodial Operations585-292-2594
Morf, Michael K.Facilities585-685-6319
Morgan, Daniel J.Engineering Technologies
Morgan, Gloria A.Information and Computer Technology
Morgan, KayEngineering Technologies585-292-2687
Morgan, SarahHealth and Physical Education
Moriarty, Dennis J.English and Philosophy
Morono, SusanPublic Safety Training Facility585-753-3707
Morrill, JohnEnvironmental Health & Safety585-292-3151
Morris, Claudette E.Liberal Arts & Business585-292-3351
Morris, Karen L.Business Administration585-292-3282
Morris, Patrick J.Community Relations585-292-3024
Mortellaro, Cheryl L.Public Safety585-292-2912
Moses, Lori C.Visual and Performing Arts585-292-3122
Motra, KristiAdmissions
Mottram, ShawnPublic Safety585-292-2904
Mudvary, Sanjib T.Public Safety585-292-2912
Mueller, LyndaDC Student Engagement
Muenzer, PaulHospitality585-292-2598
Muhlnickel, Robert L.English and Philosophy585-292-3243
Mullaney, Joan C.Education and Human Services
Mullaney, Kelly T.CSTEP - Collegiate Sci. and Tech. Entry Program585-292-3185
Mulligan, Mary L.English and Philosophy
Mulrooney, FionaDC Learning Support System
Murage, NjeruAnthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology
Murano, TeresaWorld Languages & Cultures
Murphy, Christopher J.Upward Bound
Murphy, James A.Biology585-292-2731
Murphy, Susan L.Business Administration585-292-3365
Murray, Theodore R.Health and Physical Education
Muscato, Brian JMCC Association, Inc.585-585-292-2539
Musler, Mary Louise F.Education and Human Services585-685-6008
Muster, Logan W.Public Safety Training Facility
Myers-Small, Lesli C.Health and Physical Education