Name | Department | Phone # |
Sabourin, Raymond M. | Environmental Health & Safety | 585-292-3153 |
Sadique, Azwana R. | Chemistry and Geosciences | 585-292-2394 |
Sadwick, Rick F. | Registration and Records | 585-292-2244 |
Saladin, Jami M. | Liberty Partnerships | 585-685-6197 |
Salamida, Gregory | Psychology | |
Salazar, Angelica M. | Financial Aid | |
Salsburg Taylor, Judi A. | English and Philosophy | 585-292-3275 |
Sample, Mark | Anthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology | 585-292-3252 |
Sanagursky, Christyn M. | MCC Foundation | 585-685-6148 |
Sanchez, Julian E. | Science and Tech Entry Program | |
Sanders, Tiffany R. | STEM & Health | 585-292-3397 |
Sanford, Tanya | Nursing | 585-292-2454 |
Santiago, Luis | Custodial Operations | |
Santiago, Melissa M. | Controller's Office - Accounts Receivable | 585-292-2154 |
Santiago, Rachel S. | Mathematics | |
Santos, Joann L. | Health and Physical Education | |
Sardella, Jonathan | Library | 585-292-2306 |
Sardone, Christopher | Business Administration | |
Sarvaiya, Nasim | Education and Human Services | 585-685-6199 |
Savage, Jeffrey D. | Computing & Information Technology Services | 585-292-2633 |
Savich, Gregory R. | Engineering Technologies | 585-292-2676 |
Savka, Maria Luiza C. | Biology | 585-292-2729 |
Sayles, Penny L. | Health and Physical Education | 585-292-2863 |
Scanlon, Joseph M. | Anthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology | 585-292-3254 |
Scanlon, Karsen A. | Nursing | 585-292-2449 |
Scanlon, Renee L. | Education and Human Services | 585-685-6008 |
Scanlon, Sean | Learning Resources | 585-685-6105 |
Scarcelli, Michael A. | MCC Association, Inc. | 585-292-2529 |
Scerbo, Kaitlin | World Languages & Cultures | |
Schermerhorn, Benjamin | Engineering Science and Physics | 585-292-2483 |
Scheuermann, Karen M. | TRIO Student Support Services | |
Schlagman, Naomi | Anthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology | |
Schneller, Nicole S. | Public Safety | |
Schneller, Paul T. | Public Safety | |
Schwartz, Mark G. | Financial Aid | 585-292-2559 |
Scorgie, Eileen F. | Administrative Services | |
Scott, Cory L. | Custodial Operations | 585-292-2594 |
Scott, David | Facilities | |
Scrivens, Michael J. | Business Administration | |
Seavy, Hunter S. | Admissions | 585-292-2227 |
Seeburger, Paul E. | Mathematics | 585-292-2946 |
Seibert, David | Custodial Operations | 585-292-2594 |
Seidl, Colton T. | Visual and Performing Arts | 585-292-3142 |
Senatore, Valerie | Anthro-Hist-Poli Sci-Soc | |
Senden, James C. | English and Philosophy | 585-292-3338 |
Shabani, Dardan | World Languages & Cultures | |
Shafer, Audrey K. | Nursing | 585-292-2476 |
Shaffer, Candy L. | Information and Computer Technology | 585-292-3214 |
Shamblin, Terry L. | Health and Physical Education | 585-292-2344 |
Shanahan, Corinne L. | Career Services | 585-292-3156 |
Shaw, David D. | Visual and Performing Arts | 585-292-3115 |
Shaw, Freeman R. | Public Safety | 585-292-2908 |
Shaw, Karen A. | MCC Foundation | 585-685-6147 |
Shiao, Lena Y. | Education and Human Services | 585-685-6161 |
Showman, Erich | Public Safety | 585-292-2912 |
Shroyer, Nathaniel | Advisement and Transfer Services | |
Shufelt, Robert H. | Facilities | 585-292-2812 |
Sifkarovski, Silvana | Information and Computer Technology | 585-292-3218 |
Silas, Melany J. | Health and Physical Education | 585-685-6128 |
Silvio, Carl | English and Philosophy | 585-292-3391 |
Simmons, Kevin G. | Communications and Network Services | 585-292-3235 |
Simonelli, Matt D. | Facilities | |
Simonetti, Salvatore | Public Safety Training Center | 585-753-3702 |
Sine-Kinz, Kristin M. | Economic & Workforce Development & Career Technical Education | 585-685-6204 |
Singh, Prabhjot | Learning Support Systems | |
Sitler, Brianna | Nursing | |
Skehan, Maureen | Administrative Services | 585-292-2180 |
Skehan, Michele | Printing Services | 585-292-2551 |
Slate, Julie K. | Admissions | 585-292-2224 |
Slifer, Mary | Library | 585-292-2317 |
Slifkin, Jacqueline | Business Administration | |
Smalls, Adrian | Law and Criminal Justice | 585-685-6179 |
Smida, Sara | Marketing and Web | |
Smith, Brenda A. | Educational Opportunity Program | |
Smith, Catharine G. | Liberal Arts & Business | 585-292-3356 |
Smith, Dana A. | Custodial Operations | 585-292-2593 |
Smith, Deborah C. | Public Safety Training Center | 585-753-3701 |
Smith, Jason B. | Visual and Performing Arts | 585-292-3112 |
Smith, Katherine | Nursing | 585-292-2453 |
Smith, Larry | Custodial Operations | 585-292-2594 |
Smith, Michael J. | Economic & Workforce Development & Career Technical Education | 585-685-6305 |
Smith, Stella C. | Housing and Residence Life | 585-350-0838 |
Smock, Ashley | Controller's Office - Accounting Services | 585-292-2138 |
Snowden, Joseph P. | Economic & Workforce Development & Career Technical Education | 585-685-6126 |
Snow, Darwin A. | Applied Technologies | 585-292-3786 |
Snyder, Brandon | Public Safety Training Center | |
Sobko, Debra | Mathematics | |
Sofia, Michael S. | Facilities | 585-685-6198 |
Sorak, Oksana | Mathematics | |
Soregi, Nancy J. | Teaching & Creativity Center | 585-292-2991 |
Soto Paez, Nuvia | Nursing | 585-292-2469 |
Soule, Kevin L. | Information and Computer Technology | 585-292-3255 |
Sparkman, LaQuanna S. | Education and Human Services | |
Spiotti, William | Public Safety | 585-292-2912 |
Spohr, Katherine S. | MCC Foundation | 585-685-6351 |
Sprague, Courtney B. | Facilities | 585-292-2815 |
Sprague, Raymond W. | Public Safety | 585-292-2903 |
Squalli, Laila | World Languages & Cultures | |
Squires, Richard D. | Library | 585-292-2314 |
Stadler, Vincent F. | Applied Technologies | 585-292-3726 |
Stanley, Ahchaka N. | Advisement and Transfer Services | 585-292-2287 |
Stappenbeck, Kimberly L. | Facilities | 585-292-2813 |
Starman, Wendy | Admissions | |
Starzynski, Elsbeth W. | Mathematics | |
Stenzel, Jordan | Health and Physical Education | |
Stepherson, Marvin L. | Health and Physical Education | |
Stevens, Angelique C. | English and Philosophy | 585-685-6137 |
Stevens, Gray T. | Biology | |
Stevens, Richard T. | Biology | 585-685-6103 |
Stewart, Christina M. | Student Accounts | 585-292-2235 |
Stewart, Tyler J. | Public Safety | 585-292-2912 |
Stone, Michael | Anthrop/History/Poli. Science/Sociology | |
Stratmann, Cara L. | Child Care Center | 585-292-2640 |
Stratton, David T. | Facilities | 585-292-2807 |
Straubhaar, Rita T. | World Languages & Cultures | 585-286-3525 |
Striebich, John M. | Business Administration | 585-292-3267 |
Strobl, Erin E. | Biology | 585-685-6120 |
Strohm, Mary B. | Mathematics | 585-292-2036 |
Strollo, Jessica | English and Philosophy | |
Strong, Eric R. | Applied Technologies | 585-292-3741 |
Struzik, Marek R. | Custodial Operations | 585-292-2594 |
St. Croix, Jerome S. | Financial Aid | 585-292-2278 |
Suchodolski, Irena | Custodial Operations | 585-292-2594 |
Suter, Charlene | Book Store | 585-292-2500 |
Sutton, Henry L. | Mail Services | 585-292-2269 |
Swank, Shawn C. | Financial Aid | 585-685-6171 |
Sweeney, Kathryn V | Visual and Performing Arts | 585-292-3373 |
Swenson, Sherrie B. | Workforce Development & Corporate College | |
Szymanski, Jason S. | Chemistry and Geosciences | 585-292-2423 |